Cortinarius (Telamonia) flexipes var. inolens

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By Roger Phillips

Published 2006

  • About

Cortinarius (Telamonia) flexipes var. inolens Lindstr. (illustrated 55% life size) Cap 1–3 (5) cm across, conical then expanded and umbonate; red-brown when moist, especially at the centre, drying pale fawn; covered in minute, white, fibrous scales when young, which disappear with age. Stem 30–80×3–6mm; brownish, with a distinct white, cottony ring. Flesh pallid brown; smell slight, of radish. Gills adnate; cinnamon. Spores 7–8.6×4.5–5.5¼, broadly elliptical. Spore print rust. Habitat in mixed woods; autumn. Common. Suspect avoid. Note this is rather a common small Cortinarius that is related to C. flexipes (above), but with an ochre-brown rather than grey appearance.