Cortinarius (Telamonia) flexipes

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By Roger Phillips

Published 2006

  • About

Cortinarius (Telamonia) flexipes (Pers.) Fr. (illustrated 50% life size) Cap 1–3cm across, conical then expanded and umbonate; dark brown when moist, especially at the centre, drying pale fawn; covered in minute, white, fibrous scales, which give it a grey appearance. Stem 30–70×2–6mm; brownish, covered at first with the white, cottony veil, which forms a distinct but short-lived ring and cottony scales below. Flesh pallid, smell of pelargonium. Gills adnate; pallid at first, later cinnamon. Spores 6.5–9×4–6¼, broadly elliptical. Spore print rust. Habitat in damp places on deciduous heathland; autumn. Occasional. Suspect avoid. Note three names have been often used for this fungus, the other two being C. paleaceus and C. paleiferus. The differences are somewhat subjective, with the name C. paleiferus normally applied to the form with stronger purple tones on cap and stem. Work done by Swedish mycologists has meant that most mycologists now accept C. flexipes as the correct name.