Pear Fibrecap

Inocybe fraudans

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By Roger Phillips

Published 2006

  • About

Pear Fibrecap Inocybe fraudans (Britzelm.) Sacc. syn. I. pyriodora sensu auct. mult. (illustrated 55% life size) Cap 3–7cm across, bell-shaped, the margin often becoming split; ochraceous-brown with reddish tints. Stem 40–80×6–12mm; whitish, becoming flushed the colour of the cap, the apex remaining white. Flesh white, becoming pinkish or buff; taste mild, smell of over-ripe pears. Gills adnate; whitish at first, becoming clay-pink with a white edge. Spore print walnut-brown. Cystidia fusoid, not very numerous, with apical encrustation and with thin or only slightly thickened wall. Spores 8–11.5×5–7¼, almond-shaped, smooth. Habitat in all kinds of woodland; autumn. Occasional. Suspect Note I have adopted the earlier name for this.