Lilac Leg Fibrecap

Inocybe griseolilacina

Appears in

By Roger Phillips

Published 2006

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Lilac Leg Fibrecap Inocybe griseolilacina J.E. Lange (illustrated 50% life size) Cap 1.5–2.5cm across, conico-convex at first, then expanded and umbonate; ochre-brown with violet tinges when young, particularly at the centre; covered in small, shaggy scales. Stem 30–70×2–4mm, slightly swollen at the base; pale lilac when young, later brown; densely covered in white, cottony fibres. Flesh lilac when young, becoming dirty white or brownish with age; taste mild, smell strongly mealy. Gills adnate, white at first, then walnut-brown. Spores 8.5–11×5–6¼, elliptical to almond-shaped. Spore print walnut-brown. Cheilo- and pleurocystidia thick-walled, fusoid, with apical encrustation; hyaline. Habitat in deciduous woods and on roadsides; autumn. Occasional. Not edible.