Inocybe lanuginosa (Bull.) P. Kumm. (illustrated 50% life size) Cap 2–4cm across, convex at first, becoming flattened; cinnamon to darker brown; covered in shaggy, fibrous, erect scales, especially in the centre. Stem 40–70×5–7mm; brown; cottony fibres give a coarse, shaggy appearance. Flesh white; smell slight. Gills broad, adnexed to adnate; cinnamon. Spores 8–10×5–6¼, oblong, with knobby surface. Spore print walnut-brown. Cystidia thin-walled, cylindrical, sometimes with subapical constriction, present on gill edge and gill face. Habitat amongst moss in mixed woods of pine and birch; autumn. Occasional. Not edible. Note in my first book I called this I. longicystis Atk., but I have now adopted the earlier name.