Inocybe praetervisa

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By Roger Phillips

Published 2006

  • About

Inocybe praetervisa Quél. (illustrated 60% life size) Cap 3–5cm across, bell-shaped, becoming expanded and splitting radially; dirty yellowish-brown; fibrous. Stem 50–60×3–8mm, with submarginate bulb; white then pale straw; entirely finely mealy. Flesh white, discolouring yellowish in stem; taste mild, smell faintly of meal. Gills adnexed; whitish at first, becoming clay-brown. Spores 10–12×7–9¼, oblong, with numerous distinct, angular knobs. Spore print clay-brown. Cheilo- and pleurocystidia fusoid, with apical encrustation, the walls thickened, hyaline or pale yellowish. Habitat in mixed woods, often under beech; late summer to late autumn. Occasional. Suspect avoid.