Stropharia rugosoannulata

Appears in

By Roger Phillips

Published 2006

  • About

Stropharia rugosoannulata Murrill (illustrated 35% life size) Cap 5–20cm across, convex-flattened to umbonate; deep purplish-red to dull brown or even greyish or white with age; smooth, not viscid. Stem 100–180×10–25mm, equal to clavate; white; smooth; ring large, prominent, white, very thick, deeply wrinkled or segmented below. Flesh white; firm; taste and smell pleasant. Gills adnate, crowded; pallid then grey, finally purple-brown. Spores 10–13×7.5–9¼, elliptical, with germ pore. Spore print purple-brown. Habitat on wood chips and bark mulch and around flower beds; summer to autumn. Rare. Edible delicious. Note an American species probably introduced here.