Pleated Inkcap

Coprinus plicatilis

Appears in

By Roger Phillips

Published 2006

  • About

Pleated Inkcap Coprinus plicatilis (Curtis) Fr. (illustrated life size) Cap 0.5–1.5cm high, cylindrical-ovate, expanding to shallowly convex or flat with depressed centre; buff with cinnamon centre, soon greying from margin inwards; soon deeply grooved. Stem 30–70×1–2mm; white, discolouring buff from the base upwards. Flesh smell none. Gills free; clay-pink then grey, finally black, hardly deliquescing. Spores 10–13×8.5–10.5¼, elliptical to almond-shaped. Spore print black. Habitat in grass on lawns at path sides; spring to late autumn. Very common. Edible but not worthwhile. Note more common but similar is Coprinus leiocephalus, which has spores only up to 11×8¼.