Bell-shaped Mottlegill

Panaeolus papilionaceus var. parvisporus

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By Roger Phillips

Published 2006

  • About

Bell-shaped Mottlegill Panaeolus papilionaceus var. parvisporus Ew. Gerhardt (illustrated 50% life size) Cap 2–4cm across, hemispherical; pale buff at the margin, reddish-brown towards centre, which is slightly viscid in wet weather. Stem 70–100×2–3mm; grey or grey-brown. Flesh buff; smell faint, not distinctive. Gills adnate; grey, soon becoming black. Spores 12–14×7–8¼, lemon-shaped. Spore print black. Habitat in pastureland, especially on horse dung; late summer to autumn. Uncommon. Not edible. Note the British concept of this fungus has changed; it used to be known as P. campanulatus, under which name I captioned this picture in my first book.