Banded Mottlegill

Panaeolus cinctulus

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By Roger Phillips

Published 2006

  • About

Banded Mottlegill Panaeolus cinctulus (Bolton) Sacc. syn. P. subbalteatus (Berk. & Broome) Sacc. (illustrated 45% life size) Cap 2–6cm across, convex at first, expanding to almost flat with a broad umbo; dark reddish-brown when moist, drying buff to pale tan from centre outwards, leaving a darker zone at margin. Stem 60–90×3–5mm; buff or pale brown, with paler apex. Flesh brownish; thin; taste not distinctive, smell mushroomy. Gills adnate; pale tan at first, rapidly blackening. Spores 12–14×7.5–8.5¼, lemon-shaped. Spore print black. Habitat in manured places, especially gardens or compost heaps; early summer to autumn. Occasional. Not edible. Note I have now used the earlier Bolton name, but many mycologists still use the name P. subbalteatus.