Amethyst Chanterelle

Cantharellus amethysteus

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By Roger Phillips

Published 2006

  • About

Amethyst Chanterelle Cantharellus amethysteus (Quél.) Sacc. syn. C. cibarius var. amethysteus. Quél. (illustrated 55% life size) Cap 3–6cm across, convex, soon flattened and depressed at centre, margin irregular, wavy, inrolled; dull orange; dry, felty, with fine, purplish-lilac, woolly or felty scales, especially at centre but sometimes overall. Stem 2–4×1–2cm, tapering below; pale yellowish-orange, bruising deep tawny; fleshy. Flesh pale cream-yellow, brownish-orange when cut; firm; smell and taste pleasant, faintly of apricots. Spore-bearing surface wrinkled, thin, resembling narrow, forking gills, running down stem; pale yellow-orange to pinkish-orange, bruising darker. Spores 8–10×4.5–6¼, broadly elliptical, smooth. Spore print white. Habitat in grass or leaf litter under broad-leaved trees, especially oak, beech, and birch, rarely under pine; late summer to autumn. Uncommon. Edible. Note photographed by Geoffrey Kibby.