Pine Bolete Boletus pinophilus Pilát & Dermek (illustrated 30% life size) Cap 8–20cm across; red-brown or chestnut, white at the margin; smooth and greasy at first, then dry and slightly downy. Stem 40–100×30–80mm, becoming wider towards the base; brown, darker towards base, covered in a fine whitish or cinnamon net, which bruises red; robust. Flesh whitish, becoming deep vinaceous below cuticle when cut; taste and smell pleasant. Tubes whitish at first, then becoming greenish-yellow. Pores small; white then greenish-yellow, finally olivaceous. Spores 13–17×4–5¼, subfusiform. Spore print olivaceous walnut-brown. Habitat in coniferous woods; late spring until late autumn. Uncommon, but more frequent in Scotland. Edible. Note in my first book I used the name B. pinicola, which has been found to be illegitimate.