Iodine Bolete Boletus impolitus Fr. (illustrated 50% life size) Cap 5–15cm across; clay-coloured, sometimes with tawny or olive tints, with pale grey hoariness at first; dry, slightly velvety then smooth. Stem 60–100×30–50mm; straw-coloured at apex, darker brown towards base; robust. Flesh pale lemon-yellow with deeper yellow region above the pores, becoming faintly pink or very rarely faintly blue after some time on cutting; taste mild, smell of iodoform in stem base. Tubes lemon-yellow then lemon-chrome. Pores small, colouring similar to tubes. Spores 10–14×4.5–5.5¼, subfusiform. Spore print olivaceous walnut-brown. Habitat on grassy tracks in broad-leaved woods, particularly with oak, often on clay soils; early summer to autumn. Occasional. Edible.