Conifer Mazegill

Gloeophyllum sepiarium

Appears in

By Roger Phillips

Published 2006

  • About

Conifer Mazegill Gloeophyllum sepiarium (Wulfen) P. Karst. (illustrated 35% life size) Bracket 2–3cm×5–12cm across, 0.5–1cm thick, fan-shaped and often in tiered groups; indistinctly zoned maroon to rusty, darkening with age towards the point of attachment, remaining lighter, even bright rusty-orange near the margin; corky, upper surface coarsely concentrically ridged and radially wrinkled, softly hairy at first, later bristly. Flesh rusty brown; taste and smell slight, not distinctive. Pores densely and radially arranged, often fusing together irregularly, giving a maze-like appearance; light ochraceous-rust, drying tobacco-brown. Spores 9–12.5×3–4.5¼, cylindrical; white. Habitat on coniferous trees or timber, causing an intensive brown rot which rapidly destroys the infected wood; all year. Uncommon. Not edible.