Bitter Tooth

Sarcodon scabrosus

Appears in

By Roger Phillips

Published 2006

  • About

Bitter Tooth Sarcodon scabrosus (Fr.) P. Karst. (illustrated 35% life size) Fruit body single or fusing with others. Cap 4–14cm across, flattened convex or centrally depressed; dirty yellowish, covered in cinnamon, rusty, or purplish-brown scales; covered in down and smooth at first, soon becoming cracked and scaly. Stem 25–100×10–30mm, tapering towards base; dark flesh-colour, eventually concolorous with cap scales, grey-green, blue-green, or blackish-green below; downy to fibrous-scaly. Flesh grey-green in base of stem; taste bitter, acrid, smell mealy. Spines 1–10mm long; yellowish-white, eventually becoming purplish-brown. Spores (5.5)6–7.5×(3.5)4–5¼, tuberculate. Spore print brownish. Habitat in coniferous or deciduous woods; autumn. Uncommon, endangered on Red Data List. Not edible. Note Scottish collections under Scots pine require confirmation, as they may be Sarcodon glaucopus Maas Geest. & Nannf.