Coral Tooth

Hericium coralloides

Appears in

By Roger Phillips

Published 2006

  • About

Coral Tooth Hericium coralloides (Scop.) Pers. syn. H. ramosum (Bull.) Letell. (illustrated 60% life size) Fruit body 10–25cm across, 10–15cm high, mass of long, thin, multiple branched stems covered on both sides with many very small spines 0.5–1cm long; white. Flesh white; soft, brittle; taste and smell pleasant. Spores 3–5×3–4¼, ellipsoid, smooth to finely roughened. Spore print white. Habitat on fallen beech, occasionally elm; late summer to autumn. Uncommon, vulnerable on Red Data List. Edible good, but avoid collecting due to rarity.