Common Bird’s Nest

Crucibulum laeve

Appears in

By Roger Phillips

Published 2006

  • About

Common Bird’s Nest Crucibulum laeve (Huds.) Kambly syn. C. vulgare Tul. & C. Tul. (illustrated 80% life size) Fruit body at first globose, later deeply cup-shaped, 4–8mm across and 3–7mm high, sessile; dirty cinnamon-yellow, covered by an ochraceous membrane which withers and sloughs off at maturity. Peridioles several ‘eggs’ 1–2mm in diameter, lens-shaped, each attached to the silvery inner surface of the cup by a minute cord; dirty white. Spores 7–10×3–5¼, elliptical; white to yellowish. Habitat gregarious on wood, twigs, and other vegetable remains; early autumn to early spring. Frequent. Not edible.