How to Peel Your Langoustines

Appears in
The Seafood Shack: Food & Tales from Ullapool

By Kirsty Scobie and Fenella Renwick

Published 2020

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Most people just use the meat from the tails of langoustines, but if you have time we really recommend removing the meat from the claws also. It is time consuming but always worth it.

To start, twist the tail of the langoustine away from the head, and pull off the two large claws. Discard the head or keep it to make langoustine stock if you like - just use our lobster bisque recipe and replace the lobster shells with langoustines.

To remove the tail meat, hold the shell in the middle and break along the joint that runs from left to right - you will feel a small crack either side. Be gentle as you don’t want to rip it completely in half. Now pull off the small end of shell, leaving the tail half in the shell and half out. Now wiggle the rest of the meat gently out of the shell and you should end up with a full tail.