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Peanuts, Dry-Roasted Peanuts

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By Jeffrey Alford and Naomi Duguid

Published 1998

  • About

peanuts, dry-roasted peanuts Peanuts originated in the Americas; traces of peanuts have been found in archaeological digs in Peru. Portuguese traders took them from South America to Africa, where they soon became an important staple, and to Asia. Peanuts were reintroduced to the southern United States by slaves from Africa. (Goober, a southern term for peanuts, is related to the African word nguba.) They are an important element in many Asian cuisines as well as in Africa and the Americas. Peanuts, also known as ground nuts, are in fact legumes. The peanut plant sends shoots down into the earth on which the peanuts develop. Their harvest is like potato harvest: The whole plant is pulled up and the peanuts removed.

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