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Chiffon Pie

Appears in
Oxford Companion to Sugar and Sweets

By Darra Goldstein

Published 2015

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chiffon pie is a single-crust pie with a light, fluffy filling. This filling is generally a custard mixture lightened with beaten egg whites and/or whipped cream, with or without gelatin, and flavored with an almost infinite variety of ingredients. See custard and gelatin. The pie shell was originally made from pastry, but crumb crusts are now popular.

There is much overlap among recipes for chiffon pies, gelatin pies, and soufflé pies, all of which appeared virtually simultaneously between 1919 and 1921. The first recipe found to date that fits the concept was Coffee Soufflé Pie. It appeared in Good Housekeeping magazine in June 1919 and called for egg whites, cream, and gelatin in addition to coffee.

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