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By Caz Hildebrand and Jacob Kenedy

Published 2010

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To read a book in translation is like sucking a sweet in its wrapper. Proverb

Caramelle – ‘bon-bons’ or ‘candies’ – are stuffed pastas, shaped like sweets whose plastic wrappers are twisted at both ends, and they are the one candy better in its wrapping. They are made like miniature, half-filled cannelloni, the ends twisted to seal them. This at once encloses the filling so it can be boiled, provides a texture that is capable of holding some sauce, and makes a shape that is reminiscent of happy childhood days. Perhaps for this last reason caramelle are generally served on festive days or Sunday lunch, particularly in Parma and Piacenza. They are invariably made from an egg pasta dough (or should be – avoid like the plague any that are pale), and may be stuffed with any manner of filling, but are best with one that is subtle and delicate.