Squashes, Winter (Pumpkins and Other Large Types): Cushaw (Green-Striped)

Cucurbita argyrospyrma, formerly mixta

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By Elizabeth Schneider

Published 2001

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Cushaw (Green-Striped) (Cucurbita argyrospyrma, formerly mixta) has been a favorite of home gardeners since the early 19th century and is now a regular at farmers’ markets. It is prolific and drought- and heat- tolerant, and resists numerous pests. Its hard, prettily striped yellow-white-green skin cuts almost as easily as that of a large summer squash, and its form is friendly. Except for those attributes, I do not know why anyone would choose it over other hard squash. Its utterly bland flesh is wet and coarse. It is wasteful, with almost all the meat in the neck and a bellyfull of pith.