Appears in
Oxford Companion to Wine

By Jancis Robinson

Published 2006

  • About

Austria produces an average of 2.5 million hl/66 million gal wine a year but is more famous for the quality rather than the quantity of its wines, especially dry and sweet whites and also reds from the dark-skinned grapes grown on more than one-third of Austria’s vineyard area. Average yields are relatively low, around 50 hl/ha (3 tons/acre).


  1. Blom, P., The Wines of Austria (2nd edn London, 2006).
  2. Moser, P., Falstaff Ultimate Wine Guide Austria (Vienna, annually).
  3. Pigott, S., et al., Wein Spricht Deutsch: Weine, Winzer, Weinlandschaften (Frankfurt, 2007).