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Appears in
Oxford Companion to Wine

By Jancis Robinson

Published 2006

  • About

pollination, the transfer of pollen from the anther to the receptive stigmatic surface. If pollination occurs with the pollen and pistil of the same flower, the process is called self-pollination and the progeny is known as a selfling or selfed vine; if it occurs between two different flowers (whether from the same vine or from different vines), the process is called cross-pollination. In cultivated grapevines, flowers are hermaphroditic and most are self-pollinated before the calyptra has fallen (cleistogamy), but cross-pollination may also occur. Fertilization occurs two or three days after pollination depending on the ambient temperature (see flowering). Wild grapes (Vitis silvestris) and some primitive cultivars are dioecious (male-only or female-only plants), therefore cross-pollination is essential.

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