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Appears in
Oxford Companion to Wine

By Jancis Robinson

Published 2006

  • About

Uzbekistan, independent central Asian republic with Tashkent as its capital. The most prolific grower of grapes of the former Soviet republics, it is a major supplier of table grapes. Wine production has been declining fast but it still produced 210,000 hl/5.5 million gal—mainly strong and sweet—from its substantial vineyard total of 117,000 ha/289,000 acres in 2011, according to oiv figures.


  1. Akhramov, I. K., ‘The history of viticulture and enology in the Fergana valley’ (Russian), Vinodelie i vinogradarstvo SSSR, 7 (1966), 43.
  2. Julia, F., and Beillon, D., Uzbekistan—Rehabilitation of the Vine and Wine Sector (Bordeaux, 2001).
  3. Mirzayev, M. M., ‘The Soviet Socialist Republic of Uzbekistan’ (Russian), in A. I. Timush (ed.), Encyclopaedia of Viticulture (Kishinëv, 1986).

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