Scallion Brushes

Appears in

By Ken Hom

Published 1981

  • About

These are used to garnish roast duck and roast pig. Use with Peking Duck and Mu Shu Pork to convey the hoisin sauce from the bowl to the pancake in which the duck or pork is wrapped.

  1. Trim the scallions, cutting off the stem end and leaving them in 3-inch lengths. Make a 1-inch cut through one end.

  2. Rotate the scallion on its axis and make another 1-inch cut, perpendicular to the first. Make a third and fourth cut at an angle to the first two.

  3. The result resembles a flower bud opening. Repeat the procedure at the opposite end.

  4. Drop the scallions into ice water.

  5. After a minute or two, the ends curl attractively.