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Rose Elliot's Complete Vegan

By Rose Elliot

Published 2019

  • About

To vegans and would-be vegans everywhere: our time has come. Let’s ‘be the change we wish to see’ – and celebrate!
Welcome! Whether you’ve been vegan - or eating a plant-based diet - for some time, or are just putting a toe in the water now, this is the book for you. Within its pages, you’ll find the answers to your questions, something delicious to eat and all the tools you need to live a vegan lifestyle with ease.
Personally, I was brought up as a vegetarian and have never eaten meat in my life, and gradually, over time I also stopped eating any dairy produce until my diet became completely vegan, which it has been for a number of years now. In fact, my three daughters and two of my granddaughters are now vegan too; it seems a natural progression for many vegetarians. Recent years have seen the vegan movement go from strength to strength and many people are now turning to plant-based lifestyles for ethical, environmental and health reasons. Because of this the breadth and quality of vegan products readily available has greatly increased and there has never been a better time to be vegan! It is a wonderful way to live and eat and I thoroughly recommend it.

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