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Chapter 15 Roasting

Appears in
Cooking and Dining in Medieval England

By Peter Brears

Published 2008

  • About
1. Field 138–45.
2. Austin 39 XXIII; Beckwith 198.
3. S & H 165.
4. Ibid. 288; Purvis P.2, 324.
5. Amyot 277–8; S & H 33.
6. OED s.v. ‘Broach’.
7. Nottingham III 38.
8. Brears (1999) 127.
9. Beckwith 94.
10. BL MS Roy 2BVIII, Queen Mary’s Psalter.
11. Wright (1983) 106.
12. Richards 205; see also Wrathmell 28 for further examples.
13. Ottaway & Rogers 2827, no. 1374 may be a stone dripping trough.
14. BL MS Roy 2BVIII.
15. Ottaway & Rogers 2804, no. 11918.
16. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle-upon-Tyne 3rd series, vol. 9, 74–5.

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