
Appears in
Cookies Unlimited

By Nick Malgieri

Published 2000

  • About

For my mother, Antoinette Malgieri, whose childhood nickname was biscottini e taralluzzi

I was genetically programmed with a passion for cookies. When my mother was a little girl in Italy, she loved all types of little sweets so she got the nickname biscottini e taralluzzi (biscottini are little biscotti, or cookies in general; taralli are ring cookies that are usually salty, but diminutive ones, taralluzzi, are usually sweet).

I never had a chance. I have always loved cookies, though I don’t eat nearly as many as I would like to. I can never resist them. Whether they are offered at the end of a cocktail party as a signal it’s time to leave, or at the end of a meal in a fancy restaurant, no matter how sated I am, I always have room for a cookie or two.