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Exercise in Temperature

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The Dessert Architect

By Robert Wemischner

Published 2009

  • About
Plan to make all of the components of any dessert in this book. When tasting the dessert, serve it with the recommended sauce at different temperatures (well chilled, room temperature, hot) and record your impressions in the following chart.
Rank by order of preference 1, 2, 3, 4 Dessert served with Describe the flavor of the sauce Describe the texture of the sauce Note contrast with other textures in the dessert
Sauce, almost frozen, 10-15°F Blunted, dulled not bright Icy, thick
Sauce well chilled, approximately 45°F Slightly dulled by refrigeration Thick but flowing
Sauce at room temperature, approximate 68-70°F Pleasant lingering aftertaste Masking plate consistency
Sauce heated to under the boil, approximately 200°F Flowing uncontrollably on the plate

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