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What Is an Emulsion?

Appears in
Encyclopedia of Chocolate: Essential Recipes and Techniques

By Frédéric Bau and École du Grand Chocolat Valrhona

Published 2017

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We make emulsions to reduce the sensation of fat on the palate, to achieve smooth, creamy textures, and for optimal preservation. When it comes to chocolate, emulsifying* the mixture will produce a chocolate mousse or ganache that has a true taste of chocolate and a very creamy texture.

An emulsion is the mixture of two liquids that do not combine naturally, such as water and oil. To understand the principle of an emulsion, try a quick experiment: pour some oil into a glass of water and stir with a spoon. In just a few seconds, you will see that the oil is floating at the top of the water! When we emulsify two substances, we disperse one of them into the other in the form of minuscule droplets.

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