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Thick Soups

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By Auguste Escoffier

Published 1903

  • About
The category of thick soups includes 5 distinct kinds:
  • 1) Purées, Coulis and Bisques

  • 2) Creams

  • 3) Veloutés

  • 4) Thickened Bouillons

  • 5) Special blended soups of which the formula is invariably the same although there are many different types.

In order to simplify this classification, thickened Bouillons such as Germiny have been placed in the special blended groups and the reasons for this are explained at the beginning of the relevant section. The soups in the first three sections have a purée as a base and they only differ one from another by the use of the particular thickening agent. For Purées, Coulis and Bisques the thickening is effected by the nature of the ingredients used, e.g. rice, fried bread or a starchy vegetable such as potatoes, haricot beans, lentils etc. of which the proportions are strictly determined by the nature of the principal ingredients of the soup; these proportions are given in the introduction to the chapter on thick soups.

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