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Average Sugar, Solids, and Acid Content of Fruit

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By Francisco Migoya

Published 2008

  • About

The following table identifies the most commonly used fruits’ sugar content, solids, and acid content percentage by weight. This table will be used when determining the formulas for developing sorbet recipes. If there is a fruit that does not appear on this table, use its closest equivalent; for example, Asian pears and apples.

Fruit *Average Sugar Content (%) *Solids (%) *Acid Content (%)
Apple 13 14 .8
Apricot 9 14 1.7
Avocado 1 27 .2
Banana 17 25 3
Blackberry 8 16 1.5
Black currant 10 15 3.2
Blueberry 11 15 .3
Cactus pear (or prickly pear) 11 19 (without seeds) .1
Cherry 14 19 .5
Coconut - 56.2 -
Cranberry 4 16 3
Fig 15 23 .4
Gooseberry 11 15 1.8
Grape 16 21 .3
Grapefruit 6 10 2
Guava 7 15 .4
Honeydew 10 8 .2
Kiwi 14 16 3
Lemon 2 9 5
Lime 1 9 5
Litchi 17 15 .3
Mandarin 13 12 1
Mango 11 15 .5
Melon (cantaloupe) 7 8 .2
Orange 11 10 1.2
Papaya 8 15 .1
Passion fruit 11 15 3
Peach 9 14 .4
Pear 10 17 .1
Persimmon 14 14 .2
Pineapple 13 14 1.1
Plum 11 19 .6
Pomegranate 13 20 1.2
Raspberry 7 14 1.6
Red currant 6 16 1.8
Strawberry 7 11 1.6
Tomato 3 16 .5
Watermelon 9 7 .2

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