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Hakka Classic

Savory Pounded Tea Rice

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By Linda Anusasananan

Published 2012

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擂 茶 飯 Hakka: lui cha fan; Mandarin; lei cha fan

The Hakka specialty pounded tea rice may have acquired its name from the sound made when the herb and nut mixture is ground in a special bowl to make the tea. It is also known as thunder tea. The dish comes from the Ho Po clan, a Hakka subgroup who serve it during Chinese New Year.

I first taste this dish in a little café in Singapore. It promises miracles—to reinvigorate me, lower my cholesterol, boost my immune system, and provide fiber and antioxidants. I order it and receive a small bowl of thick, green, soup-like tea and a larger bowl of rice topped with vegetables, nuts, and tofu. I pour the green tea over the rice and mix it up. The tea is made from a secret combination of green tea leaves, fresh herbs, nuts, and seeds. The tea rice tastes refreshingly healthy.

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