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Stephen and Sheila Taylor

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For The Love Of The Sea: A cook book to celebrate the British seafood community and their food

By Jenny Jefferies

Published 2021

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“We would catch a certain tide, going out Monday to Friday at all times of the day and through the night in the summer which was absolutely beautiful... The air was always so lovely and fresh, although we went in all weathers and you never knew what you were going to catch.”

Salmon netting is all gone now, but that’s what we did on the River Taw here in North Devon for many years. I’ll be 84 soon, and Stephen’s 90: it’s kept us fit and healthy for a long time! We would catch a certain tide, going out Monday to Friday at all times of the day and through the night in the summer which was absolutely beautiful. Once we saw two otters, the first I’d ever seen, and watched them playing in the river on our way to fish. The air was always so lovely and fresh, although we went in all weathers and you never knew what you were going to catch; sometimes we came back with nothing.

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