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Greg Quinn, Currant Crusader

Appears in
Pie for Everyone: Recipes and Stories from Petee's Pie, New York's Best Pie Shop

By Petra Paredez

Published 2020

  • About

Meet Greg Quinn, currant farmer and owner of CurrantC, a company offering all manner of currant products. Like most farmers I know, Greg is intensely devoted, knowledgeable, and passionate about the produce he grows. Unlike most farmers I know, he has a TED Talk and single-handedly worked to overturn a state law in order to grow the fruit he loves so much.

For the past century, black currants have been a consistent presence in European cuisine, but they are very rare in the United States. In Europe, they are celebrated for their exceptionally tart flavor; beautiful, deep purple juice; and considerable health benefits. The anthocyanins that give the berries their gorgeous color also make them an excellent source of antioxidants. Black currants have four times as much vitamin C as oranges and twice the potassium of a banana. So why has it taken us so long to appreciate them?

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