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Professional Baking

By Wayne Gisslen

Published 2008

  • About
In addition to flours, other starch products are used in the bakeshop. Unlike flour, they are used primarily to thicken puddings, pie fillings, and similar products. The most important starches in dessert production are as follows:
  1. Cornstarch has a special property that makes it valuable for certain purposes. Products thickened with cornstarch set up almost like gelatin when cooled. For this reason, cornstarch is used to thicken cream pies and other products that must hold their shape.

  2. Waxy maize is made from a different type of corn. It is almost always manufactured into a form called modified food starch. Waxy maize and other modified starches have valuable properties. Because they do not break down when frozen, they are used for products that are to be frozen. Also, they are clear when cooked and give a brilliant, clear appearance to fruit pie fillings.

    Waxy maize does not set up firm like cornstarch but rather makes a soft paste that has the same consistency hot and cold. Thus, it is not suitable for cream pie fillings.

  3. Instant starches are precooked or pregelatinized so they thicken cold liquids without further cooking. They are useful when heat will damage the flavor of the product, as in fresh fruit glazes, such as strawberry.

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