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Fresh Liquid Milk

Appears in
Professional Baking

By Wayne Gisslen

Published 2008

  • About

Whole milk contains fat, which must be calculated as part of the shortening in a dough. For this reason, whole and skim milk are not interchangeable in a formula unless adjustments are made for the fat. Refer to the table for the fat content of milk products.

Acid ingredients, such as lemon juice, cream of tartar, and baking powder, normally should not be added directly to milk, as they will curdle it.
Substituting Dry Milk for Liquid Milk
To substitute for Use
1 lb skim milk 14.5 oz water + 1.5 oz nonfat dry milk
1 lb whole milk 14 oz water + 2 oz dried whole milk
1 lb whole milk 14 oz water + 1.5 oz nonfat dried milk + 0.5 oz shortening or 0.7 oz butter
1 kg skim milk 910 g water + 90 g nonfat dry milk
1 kg whole milk 880 g water + 120 g dried whole milk
1 kg whole milk 880 g water + 90 g nonfat dry milk + 30 g shortening or 40 g butter

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