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Professional Baking

By Wayne Gisslen

Published 2008

  • About

In the United States, eggs are graded for quality by the USDA. There are three grades: AA, A, and B. The best grade (AA) has a firm white and yolk that stand up high when broken onto a flat surface and do not spread over a large area. As eggs age, they become thinner and are graded lower. The figure shows the differences among grades AA, A, and B.

In Canada, there are four egg grades: A, B, C, and Canada Nest Run.
As a baker, you will not be concerned so much with the firmness of yolks and whites. Rather, you will want eggs that are clean and fresh-tasting, free of bad odors and tastes caused by spoilage or absorption of foreign odors. One bad-smelling egg can ruin an entire batch of cakes.

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