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Questions for Discussion

Appears in
Professional Baking

By Wayne Gisslen

Published 2008

  • About
  1. Why is it necessary to temper chocolate for making chocolate molds?
  2. Briefly explain two methods for tempering chocolate.
  3. If tempered chocolate is at the correct temperature for molding but is too thick, how should you thin it?
  4. Why is white chocolate an inaccurate term?
  5. Why are chocolate molds polished with cotton wool before use?
  6. Describe one procedure for molding chocolate eggs.
  7. Describe five techniques for making decorative patterns using two colors of chocolate for cutouts.
  8. Describe the procedure for making chocolate fans, starting with melted chocolate.
  9. What are chocolate truffles? Give as complete an answer as you can, describing various types and forms.

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