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Sea Bass

Appears in
What to Eat Now (Spring & Summer)

By Valentine Warner

Published 2009

  • About
The bass is a most handsome fish that I have chased along the South Coast from the Birling Gap to Weymouth Harbour and on to Boscastle. Whenever the opportunity has arisen, I have dedicated hours to this fish, armed with wriggling sand eels, gaudy plugs and an earful of local expertise/nonsense.
But despite all concentration and anticipation, things generally end in despondent journeys home. Only a scant handful of times have I gazed down, shaky-legged, at the prize lying on deck or shingle. So although I would love you to think that I have had many mighty battles with this silver sword, the sea bass is a fish I seem unable to get to grips with. I’ve lost all the decent ones and cursed every spider crab I thought was a take. Yet I seem to know that, one day soon, something good will happen.

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