German and Middle European Breads

Appears in
The Fundamental Techniques of Classic Bread Baking

By French Culinary Institute

Published 2021

  • About
Traditional German and Middle European breads are considered to be among the healthiest breads because they are usually made with whole grains and little sugar. The most common flour used is rye, frequently in combination with wheat or other flours. Since rye flour is low in gluten, the breads, for the most part, tend to be quite dense and chewy. In addition, seeds, nuts, and whole grains are also used to intensify flavor and add texture. In Germany, the most ancient method of making rye bread is first to allow the dough to rest for almost a week, turning it slightly sour and giving the baked bread a very strong flavor and a deep color. However, nowadays, due to time constraints, very few bakers follow this classic method.