Going with Grains and Beans

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By Sheila Lukins and Julee Rosso

Published 1989

  • About
Finally grains and beans are garnering the kind of respect they deserve. Perhaps it’s because we are eating less meat that we have a new-found interest in these versatile, protein-filled foods. It’s not that we never made bean or grain dishes. But for so long we served up the same ones, and in the same ways. Now that we better understand the wide range available to us, and their Potential, we are experimenting more and more with exciting results. Minty bulgur tabboulehs, flavorful polentas, crunchy bean salads, velvety bean cakes and purées—the textures and flavors are outstanding. How could we have kept these great dishes out of the spotlight for so long? It’s about time they took a bow.