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The Tinned Tomatoes Cookbook: 100 everyday recipes using the most versatile ingredient in your kitchen

By Samuel Goldsmith

Published 2024

  • About
I thought this would be the easiest part of writing a book, but so many people have got me to this point that compiling these acknowledgements has been difficult. Partly because I’m bound to forget someone, mostly because there aren’t enough words to say everything I want to.

It’s only polite to thank the team behind the book. These thanks aren’t to be polite, they’re heartfelt. Céline: thank you for your faith in me and being such good fun. Lisa (and of course Aubrey): thank you for keeping me on track, I feel very fortunate to have such a talented editor. Clare: the book is a visual stunner, so thank you. Mowie, Troy, Jess and Max: you all worked so hard to bring my recipes to life, thank you. I lucked out with the dream team.