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Where to Eat Cake... Paris

Appears in
World's Best Cakes: 250 great cakes from Raspberry Genoise to Chocolate Kugelhopf

By Roger Pizey

Published 2013

  • About
For anyone visiting Paris the first glimpse of one of the numerous boulangerie-pâtisserie window displays is unlikely to be forgotten, and they seem to be all around you. With their eye-catching and sumptuous array of high-quality cakes, pastries and breads, you won’t need to wander far to find a place to stop and refuel or just to sample the delightful confections to solve that enduring question: does it taste as good as it looks? Invariably, the answer will be yes. And as the true home of the macaron, the challenge will be to choose a favourite flavour from the many rainbow-coloured displays. This compact French city is best discovered on foot, and that is also the best way to discover the nearest beautiful boulangerie.

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