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Mediterranean Cookery

by Claudia Roden

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Recommended by

Michele Cranston

Food stylist and magazine food editor

I first bought this book in London more than 20 years ago and it's much worn pages are testament to the number of times I've researched a recipe or looked for a simple solution to a mid week meal that packs a big flavour punch. This was a book that lead me down the many spice laden alleyways of the Middle-East at a time when I knew very little about the cuisine and took me on some fun flavour filled adventures along the way. The research is perfectly articulated and every chapter introduces you to classic dishes that have now become mainstream favourites.

Cath Kerry

Writer, trainer, former chef and restaurateur

Constantly useful and never dated.

Heather Holden-Brown

Director, HHB Agency Ltd

John Vincent

Co-founder of Leon

Camellia Panjabi

Author and restaurateur