from the publisher
The Professional Chef is among the best-selling titles in Wiley's cooking program and represents the cornerstone book in our publishing partnership with the CIA. We have completely reorganized this book to reflect the way that people cook in the kitchen today, with the best of foods and flavors from around the world. The book reviews ingredients, equipment, and skills of the professional chef. It then explores the techniques for the full range of food items: vegetables, potatoes, grains, legumes, pasta, meats, fish and seafood, poultry, eggs, fruits, soups, sauces, quickbreads and cakes, yeast breads, and more. The new edition features information on global cuisines, an all-new chapter on Plated Desserts, and information on topics of growing importance such as sous vide cooking, seasonality, and sustainability. The new edition features a new user-friendly design and structure, guiding readers through the basic principles behind each technique at a glance, and then providing more in-depth information along with step-by-step photography. Complete with hundreds of recipes and four-color photographs throughout, this is the essential reference for any aspiring chef, culinary student, or cooking enthusiast
Why aren’t the recipes for this book available on ckbk?
We are building our collection of cookbooks all the time. This book is on our wish list, but it is not yet available on ckbk.
Books which are part of ckbk's collection show one of these two logos:
Food writer
This is of the books that I use on a daily basis. I am not a professional chef, though I did apprentice in a teaching kitchen for about two years. This is the book I used to teach myself to cook and I have been using it on a constant basis for over five years. It's easily my cooking bible and the first book I recommend for people who want to learn how to cook, and people who want to improve their skills.
Retail Director, Hobbs House Bakery
I got this just before I moved to London to go to catering college. in the time before you tube it was a wealth of skills, tips and dishes. I devoured it up, amazed by what could be done with simple ingredients. I still go to this book time and again.
Food writer and restaurant critic
My desktop look up for how to cook a dish or make a sauce before I go to riffs from home cooks and restaurant chefs.
Professor in the Department of Music Theory, History, and Composition
Chef Instructor, Culinary Institute of Charleston