by Peter Ross
from the publisher
Historic cookery books contain recipes that to the modern cook can appear quaint, bizarre, revolting or downright absurd. From the frugal to the fantastical, The Curious Cookbook contains some of the most unusual recipes from historical cookery books, from the Middle Ages to the Second World War, to present a positive gallimaufry of fabulous food and other oddities. Historic recipes such as these also provide fascinating insights into the social and economic context of the times. Each recipe is accompanied by an engaging commentary describing the background to the recipe and the writer, and charming contemporary illustrations are featured throughout. Examples of some of the recipes included: Coffins and chastletes (pies), garbage (animal entrails), porpoise with wheat porridge, spit-roasted milk, cowslip tart, a great swan pie, roasted peacock, turtle soup, parrot pie, curried kangaroo tails, invalid stew, mashed potato sandwich, Brussels sprouts mould
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