John Dory with Clams

Preparation info
  • Serves at Least


    • Difficulty


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By Rowley Leigh

Published 2018

  • About

This would be an excellent dish if the fish was simply baked in the oven with a few aromatics, some olive oil and a bit of wine. The addition of the clams adds an extra dimension of flavour and has more impact at the table.


  • 1 John Dory, weighing 1kg (2lb 4oz)


Ask the fishmonger to clean and gut the fish, and to cut off the sharp spiky fins from all around the body. Soak the clams, overnight if possible, and rinse them in several changes of water.

Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F, Gas Mark 4).

In a large roasting tin large en