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Gluten-Free Madeira Loaf Cake

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By Lorraine Pascale

Published 2017

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Madeira cake is traditionally made by creaming butter and sugar together first, and then adding the eggs and eventually the flour and almonds. I prefer to make a ‘crumb’ first, and then mix it with the eggs and water. I think this method is foolproof, and great if you are baking in a rush!


  • 100 g gluten-free self-raising flour (I like Doves Farm)
  • 70 g ground almonds
  • 150


Preheat the oven to 180°C (fan 160°C/350°F/gas 4) and make sure the shelf in the middle of the oven is at the ready. Line the loaf tin with baking parchment – I usually put a strip along the whole length of the tin, making sure that it comes well over the edges. This mak

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from Australia

When I rubbed the flour almonds etc with the butter, it formed a sort of gooey mixture, not breadcrumby. I added quite a bit more GF flour before it looked like the description. Might be a variation on GF flour types? Anyway it cooked up just fine and my coeliac grandson pronounced it “Good, thanks Grandma!”

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